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Public Financial Management Competency Program
in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

To the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) Chief Minister Ahod Balawag Ebrahim;

Ministry of Finance, and Budget and Management Minister Atty. Ubaida C. Pacasem;

Bangsamoro Treasurer Naila Z. Dimaraw;

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Senior Representative Ide Soichiro;

Colleagues from the Department of Budget and Management (DBM);

And to our Public Financial Management (PFM) practitioners in BARMM Provincial Offices and all our participants, magandang araw po.

Assalamu alaikum wa Raḥmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

Since 2018, the DBM, together with the Ministry of Finance and Budget and Management of BARMM, also in cooperation with JICA, has been implementing major capacity-building activities to help and guide the Bangsamoro Government in establishing a sound PFM system—the fundamental foundation for good governance, financial accountability, and effective resource management.

In recognition of the bond we have built through friendship and partnership, and in the interest of pursuing economic development in Mindanao, especially BARMM, we are here once again to conduct another round of capacity-building training for our provincial offices.

We are more than happy to help in ensuring continued skills development among our PFM practitioners towards our common goal: formulating and implementing a dynamic fiscal policy towards the upliftment of the lives of the Bangsamoro.

For the past few days, our top-caliber subject matter experts walked you through the PFM fundamentals and introduced you to the Budgeting and Performance Track modules including fiscal planning, performance-informed budgeting,  program expenditure classification, and budget preparation.

But this is just the first phase. We hope to see you again for the Phase 2 of our program which will cover budget execution, developments in budgeting, and internal audit—all towards our goal of elevating fiscal management capabilities within BARMM's provincial offices, improving efficiency and instilling transparency and accountability in budgetary processes across the region.

I have always shared with you my dream as a daughter of Mindanao: to see a BARMM that is thriving and a Mindanao that shines as a land of promise. And now, with this strong collaboration between the national government, BARMM, and JICA, we are starting to reap the fruits of our labor.

Just recently, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), through its Fiscal Division, commended the Philippines for proactively improving its PFM systems through digital transformation. This was during one of the sessions of the IMF-World Bank Annual Meeting held in Marrakesh, Morocco, in October.

Most notable was the fact that last June, President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. issued Executive Order No. 29 directing the full digitalization of PFM processes through the adoption of the Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS) throughout the bureaucracy. Rest assured that we are very much willing to assist BARMM in also leveraging digitalization so that together, we can take our PFM processes to the next level. 

Now on the national budget, we have also fully released the FY 2023 Annual Block Grant to assist BARMM in achieving meaningful autonomy and lasting peace in the region. On top of this, we have also released Php 5.0 billion to fund the rehabilitation of conflict-ridden communities.[1]

We are also proud to share that the House of Representatives approved the Fiscal Year 2024 General Appropriations Bill on third and final reading last September 27, wherein a total of Php 80.6 billion is allocated for financial assistance to BARMM. This includes the Annual Block Grant with Php 70.5 billion, reflecting an increase of 9.0 percent from 2023. Meanwhile, Php 5.3 billion has been allotted for the PAMANA or the PAyapa at MAsaganang PamayaNAn Program for infrastructure development in BARMM. This will be implemented by the Office of the Presidential Adviser on Peace, Reconciliation and Unity.

And all of these would not be possible without our PFM practitioners who play a crucial role in bridging the needs of our people to our governments, making our PFM system more responsive and people-centered.

Through this capacity building, I hope that you will be inspired not only to work harder but also to embrace innovations through digital transformation, and help us implement the necessary reforms that will improve our government systems and processes.

After all, we have the same Agenda for Prosperity. Together, let us secure a Future-Proof and Sustainable Economy where no Filipino is left behind, including and most importantly, the Bangsamoro.

Mabuhay ang Pilipino at ang Bagong Pilipinas. Maraming salamat po!

Wabillahi Tawfiq Wal Hidaya, Wasalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu.